Captain Jonah

12.23 AM

Zebra Jump, Zebra Fly

Gone, by Michael Grant


In the small town of Perdido Beach, all adults and children above the age of 15 disappear.

It’s great for a while.

But when fires start to break out, and cars begin to crash-

It’s not so great after all.


People are beginning to gain Supernatural powers, from Green balls of light, to teleporting.

Animals are becoming even more dangerous.


And did I mention the Darkness is rising?

Romance: Very Mild

Gore: Very strong

Language: Moderate


Hi I’m another new author of Teen Fiction and I luv reading to 😀

althought I kinda suck at writing but I’ll give it a go!

I LUV the Hunger Games and Percy Jackson (THE best books ever)

-Rosiki 😀


EDIT BY MYST: She doesn’t suck at writing. She writes better than me, she’s just far too modest! 🙂 



Hello! :D

Helloooooooo, Ima new author of….


The names Thalia, and, haha, well, I introduced Percy Jackson series and the Hunger Games series to these people on this website.

There the BEST books EVER, along with Artemis Fowl and The Gone series.


That’s all I have to say, hehe, enjoy this website, its awesome.

thalia x



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